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Cracked Reflections in a Crazed Mirror


 I am the master of all poodles and it was an early gmail address. This is homage to Frank Zappa who was a genius, and his use of the poodle dog to mock the self entitled. The seminal 'Titties and Beer' was one place it appears. It was not aimed at anyone in particular, but has fit well in so many situations. I am not aware of any followers outside of Instagram, BTW. ;)
 You have published enough to get you committed if anyone cared. The sheer madness of your ramblings may not be apparent to you, but really, I'd be careful.
 I will go help one of my friends in game, the redoubtable derek666, to complete a quest he has trouble with later on. I kinda own the game at this point and I have mapped out what he needs to do and taken steps to facilitate that. It will great fun, he is nuts and gets us killed. I'm much more careful and seldom di

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Your Bullshit


to me
I will comment anywhere I feel like in a public space, which is what your blogs are. I will say whatever I think is appropriate and as I, unlike you, always tell the truth, I will continue doing so.

 It is astounding that you have learned almost nothing in your 73 years. You whine about your life unceasingly. You have fucked up so many things by insisting on being a real asshole to many people. You have not learned this does work and now want the Supreme Court to fix this for you. Its beyond belief. To waste an entire life is a fucking crime.
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our Bullshit



Mon, Feb 25, 9:03 AM (2 days ago)
to me

I will comment anywhere I feel like in a public space, which is what your blogs are. I will say whatever I think is appropriate and as I, unlike I will you, always tell the truth, I will continue doing so.

 It is astounding that you have learned almost nothing in your 73 years. You whine about your life unceasingly. You have fucked up so many things by insisting on being a real asshole to many people. You have not learned this does work and now want the Supreme Court to fix this for you. Its beyond belief. To waste an entire life is a fucking crime.

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Your Bullshit



Mon, Feb 25, 9:03 AM (2 days ago)
to me
I will comment anywhere I feel like in a public space, which is what your blogs are. I will say whatever I think is appropriate and as I, unlike you, always tell the truth, I will continue doing so.
 It amazing you just now discovered this. You yell at the internet, well me really, your traffic is tiny, and it gets to yell back. ;)
 It is astounding that you have learned almost nothing in your 73 years. You whine about your life unceasingly. You have fucked up so many things by insisting on being a real asshole to many people. You have not learned this does work and now want the Supreme Court to fix this for you. Its beyond belief. To waste an entire life is a fucking crime.

